Welcome to Realm of the White Wolf!!!!!

Welcome to my USA memorial site which is dedicated to not only the tragedy of September 11, 2001
, but the Space Shuttle tragedy and many other tragedies that have beset this great land of ours.
Please pray for those who have fought to advance our lives and to keep us free. Please keep praying that
some day terror will come to an end and we will be able to stop looking over our shoulder and live in peace
and our boys will not have to go war. But until then pray for those who continue to fight and die all over this
world. Not just in this generation but from generations past from all wars, lest we forget.

Please take the dove and send her on her way around the world to continue her flight
in the name of the plight of the animals who cannot speak
for themselves yet continue to die at the hands of humans.

A Lakota Prayer

Great Spirit, you are everything
And yet above everything
You are first and always have been
Through you our children will have strong hearts
And they will walk the straight path in a sacred manner
Help me to walk the sacred path of life
Without difficulty
With my mind and heart continually fixed on you!

**ESL Main Links**

Home Page About Me AnimalRights/ Welfare
Poetry Competition Entrance USA Memorial
Pets Causes and Petitions
Guestbook Email Me

**ESL Animal Rights Links**

Animal Organizations Animal Rights Arctic Animals Cats N Dogs
Cheetahs Gorillas and others Marine Life OtherBigCats
Tigers Wild Horses PitBulls Wolves

Echoes of a Snow Leopard is Owned by Guinevere©2017
Webset created by Spirit©2011
Created exclusively for ESL
No other use is authorized.