to Echoes of a Snow Leopard!!!!!
we walk through life most
are unaware of what we cannot
but mind you they see you
and pay attention to all
you do.
Dare you to follow them
into their world???
Step carefully, if you dare,
but follow and learn their
Maybe then you will come
to understand them, instead
of being afraid.
Can you see her coming at
you? She can see you, for
she knows you. She knows who you are.
She is wary of you, more than you are of her.
She will never trust you, for you have killed her kind before.
This is an endangered species
Not because of where they live
But because of being pushed out of their habitat
And at times they were hunted
There is now a push now
To try to save them
I will not bring you alot
of bling I will give you
some sparkle, but I will
bring you the truth
The truth of what is real
in the real world
not in the internet world
that is the world we MUST
face and deal with
**Learn more about them **
Facts About Snow Leopards |
The snow leopard is an animal
in peril that may not be
around much longer We must try to save them
if we can or they will become extinct
in our lifetime
Their beauty is far to much to lose
it would be better if we could
find a way to save these beautiful animals.
So let's deal with it.
Reality awaits you, are
you willing to let this
Snow Leopard guide you on
your way?
Then Enter in and follow
the paw prints of this Snow
Leopard as she leads you.

Echoes of a Snow Leopard!!! **

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Webset created by Spirit©2017
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